Appearances can be deceiving. Just like individuals who may seem healthy on the outside but battle chronic illnesses internally, your teeth may not reveal the whole story. Even if your front teeth appear straight, there could be underlying issues with how your entire dental arch fits together. These problems can have detrimental effects on your overall oral health, making it crucial to address them.

The Mechanics of a Perfect Bite

Think of gears working in tandem. Each tooth is akin to a gear, designed to fit precisely with its counterparts to perform specific tasks. When gears don’t align correctly, their functionality is compromised. Similarly, your upper and lower teeth are meant to fit harmoniously with their counterparts in the opposite jaw. If this fit is misaligned, your bite is affected, even if the front teeth seem straight. Ignoring a faulty bite sets the stage for potential problems down the line.

The True Purpose of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment goes beyond aesthetics; it aims to establish a healthy bite that enables efficient and comfortable biting and chewing. Teeth that function well also tend to look better. A beautiful smile is a delightful byproduct of such treatment.

Achieving a healthy bite involves repositioning teeth within the jawbones, ensuring they meet correctly for optimal biting and chewing.

Bite Problems Often Hidden Behind Straight Front Teeth

It’s easy to miss certain bite problems because the front teeth are typically the focus. Here are some common issues that may go unnoticed despite having straight front teeth:

1. Underbite (or anterior crossbite): When the upper teeth are positioned behind the lower teeth.

2. Open bite: When the back teeth touch, but the front teeth don’t meet, or when the front teeth meet, but the back teeth don’t touch.

3. Deep bite: When the upper teeth completely cover the lower teeth.

4. Crossbite: When the lower teeth sit outside the upper teeth.

Untreated improper bites can lead to numerous problems. Premature wear and chipping of teeth are common consequences. Jaw joint issues may arise, and the risk of cavities increases. These complications can make eating and speaking challenging.

Fortunately, there is a way to assess your bite and prevent such problems. It applies to all your teeth, not just the visible front ones. Call our office at 801-262-1500 to schedule a free consultation.