Unlocking the Benefits of Early Orthodontic Care

Just like staying on top of your laundry helps maintain cleanliness, being proactive about your orthodontic health can make it more manageable. Much like you wouldn’t skip a well-check at the pediatrician, you shouldn’t overlook an early visit to the orthodontist either. Taking your child to an orthodontist by the age of 7 can have a significant impact on their oral health, potentially saving you from costly and invasive treatments in the future.

But how does early orthodontic care help?

Palatal Expansion: Palatal expansion is a potential solution for children with abnormally narrow arches or crowding. By widening the upper jaw, a palatal expander can create more space. It is most effective when used while the patient is still growing. The expansion process involves stretching the growth plate or suture in the middle of the palate, pushing the two halves apart and stimulating new bone growth.

In younger patients, palatal expansion can reduce the need for extractions or prevent impacted teeth. If left uncorrected, these issues may require surgical intervention in adulthood, leading to abnormal wear and bite problems. By addressing them early, you can potentially avoid these complications altogether.

Early Interceptive Treatment: Sometimes, a short period of time in braces can correct orthodontic problems at an early stage, preventing more significant issues later on. For instance, anterior crossbite can be corrected through interceptive treatment.

Tooth Removal: In certain cases, removing baby or impacted teeth can facilitate the emergence of permanent teeth and encourage them to align correctly without the need for orthodontic appliances. Your orthodontist will recommend the optimal time for extractions to take advantage of your child’s growth and development. Seeking early orthodontic evaluation ensures that you receive the most suitable treatment for your child.

Not all early visits lead to orthodontic treatment. Following your child’s initial appointment with the orthodontist, one of three outcomes may arise: 1) No treatment may be necessary at that time, 2) Treatment may be required in the future, prompting periodic follow-ups to monitor facial and jaw development, or 3) An existing problem that would benefit from early intervention is identified, giving you the opportunity to start the treatment process promptly.

We offer free consultations, so there’s no reason to delay seeking early orthodontic care. Take advantage of this opportunity with Murray Orthodontics and pave the way for a healthier smile for your child, potentially avoiding more complex and expensive treatments in the future.